Partner of heat treatment

Project management from the start:

Are you planning a new hardening shop?

Do you want to relocate / expand / convert systems?

Do you want to manufacture special parts?

Do you want to automate your systems?

 Are you looking for a new or used system?

Over 30 years of experience in heat treatment and specific knowledge as well as a large network with a wide variety of specialists guarantee you successful projects.

Expertise, profitability analysis, estimation and project methodology, process development (CMMI), balanced scorecards

Estimate of effort

Person days and risk analysis specific to project type, technology and location. Analysis and planning of increments and iterations, distribution of effort between project phases and project participants.
Complete project management with the selected suppliers. Project control and coordination on site, project progress reports, project score card, adaptation of project plans
Project context and project completion
Assessments of the project and the project team. Project completion documentation